
Which Of These Businesses Do You Think Will Survive-

Which Of These Businesses Do You Think Will Survive?

I'll advise you now... this is not going to be a pleasant article.

I try and give upbeat, affirmative tips and counsel on improving your marketing and advertising.

This time I am going to rant... and reiterate.

After being on some R&R with my kin for a week and a half on the lakes in Montana, I have come to the conclusion that service SUCKS!

Nothing revolutionary...

I was equitable startled on how BAD this namely getting.

Honestly, how constantly do you get "wowed" by customer service?


It is extraordinary to me how poorly customer service people treat their customers.

They could concern less that YOU are the an paying their wages. They could attention less if you have a pleasing experience.

They could care less what you consider of them.

They feel you owe them a tip ' for naught in return.

They feel you owe them pleasant treatment, when conveying the inverse back.

They feel they are entitled to a successful, elated life and not having to put anything in to it in return.


I have a number of theories, some of which won't be popular.

1) The younger generation (below 25) ' those in maximum of the customer service jobs ' are (in many cases) a cluster of spoiled kids. They have entities also cozy from home, and they anticipate the workforce to give them the same treatment.

We have heaved an plenary generation of whiney, over-ego- expanded, sense-of-entitlement-for-no-reason, "brats".

Told you this won't be fashionable.

(Not all of them are this way though, thankfully)

I have been perusing articles about this and doing my research. Books have been written on the subject of the younger generation and how they think and deed about their work.

Not good.

At always. They were indulged at home.

They were never disciplined properly (the spankings I grew up with now get you a visit from social services).

They were handed money for not having to do their chores.

They get out of educate and get VERY nice paying jobs without having to testify themselves.

They grew up without real supervision (dual earnings families) ' and don't think they ought have to be administered in the workplace.

They think customers suck

And they are working to KILL your affair.

(I am NOT saying they are ALL like this ' but there IS causative paperbacks and treatises and exercising classes are immediately being attempted on how to employ this generation)

2) My second theory is that businesses just don't care anymore.

They attempt advertising ' by copying their competitors. Didn't work for them, yet I'm sure it will because me!

They try assorted marketing techniques ' afresh by copying the only people they know ' their competitors.

They hear all the junk in the media ' economic, business failures, bankruptcy, interest rates, war. the menu goes on and on.

They don't partner with those who ARE doing well in business. They hear to the mumbling and moaning from those who are struggling... and (go diagram) they end up in a similar situation.

They get remedied like crap everywhere they go ' so that have to be the access you do business in this daytime and age ' right?

(Honestly, do you feel that the people you buy from on a normal foundation really appreciate the fact you are putting your money in their pockets? It is a infrequent day while I look people who do).

Like it or adore it, my 2 thoughts on this above could be the demise of your business... or mine. If I don't appreciate those who purchase from me ' I could be the one folk complain almost.

If you don't ' it will be your business.

Find ways to SHOW your appreciation.

1) Have your staff amenable to be NICE to the people who pay their paychecks (the customers). If you ascertain them not caring or treating people right FIRE THEM. You are the employer ' it is your corporation ' and you have full right to bombard people who treat your customers poorly.

Best advice I heard on this ' "Hire slow ' fire fast". Take the time to get cozy with the human and if they will eligible it and do their job. If they don't do what they are supposed to ' get rid of them!

2) Send thank you cards and emails to people

3) Surprise them with gifts or special discounts (for existing customers only)

4) If your company DOES muddle up give the customer causative to come back againa gift as an apology, a free meal at a cafeteria in town ' something (anything) will be noticed.

Customers are getting accustomed to being treated like crap (melancholy) so be the one who treats them like gold.

They are the ones paying you and your staff, determine they know thatyou appreciative them!


